
gallimaufry, n. 1. A hash made from meat scraps, hence, 2. a mixture, hodgepodge

Gallimaufry was the name of a student literary magazine from a private school near where I grew up. Upon hearing it for the first time, it struck a chord with me even though I didn’t know what it meant. When I did find out, I liked it even more and I adopted it as an online chat handle, dropping the extra ‘l’ to fit in the ten-letter limit of the IRC server I frequented at the time.

…ok… so how do you pronounce it?

The way I say it is like “gal-ih-MAH-free” in my US midwestern accent. I usually tell most people upon meeting them “just Gali is fine.”

So, what are you a mixture of?

I think we all contain multitudes, but specifically I relate my own “mixture” to the highly varied sets of skills interests, and knowledge that I have.

Who’s the person behind the keyboard?

I originally hail from the US, lived most of my life in Southeastern Michigan where I got a degree in IT Management, became a minor a cappella celebrity (twice,) got married, had kids, got divorced, then moved to Texas where I did some time with the Austin Improv community both on- and off-stage. I now reside in Ontario, Canada in an unconventional family unit.

What are your preferred pronouns?

Uh… is ‘it’s complicated’ an option? Usually I go with they/them/theirs.

How are you cheating during Trivia Murder Party streams?

I swear I’m not. I’m actually just really good with certain trivia topics, and if I don’t know an answer right away (which is probably more than 50% of the time) I quickly run through the following steps:

- Can the answer be guessed from contextual clues?
- If not, do I get a "feeling" about one of the options?
- If not, I make like the SATs and pick C.

This is also why I NEVER cut off finger #3.

Plus, there isn’t any good way to “cheat” with an 8-10 second stream delay (let alone the 2-3 seconds in low-latency mode) anyway. Let’s be real here. I’m not Watson.

That said, my IRL co-parent was actually on Jeopardy, so the two of us have a bit of a friendly trivia game rivalry. Usually we keep apace with each other right up until the end, then one of us will just barely eke out a win.