A Bedtime Story.

(Note: any resemblance to real events, past, present, or future is purely coincidental)

Once upon a time, a Big Media Conglomerate acquired the film rights to a Certain Media Property and one day assigned the Property to a subsidiary Film Production Studio for development. And from this development work, a Script was written, and Production started. And since the Titular Character of the film was to be computer-generated, Motion-Capture and 3D Modeling was conducted to bring the character to life.

Then on a certain day, it was determined that Sufficient Composited Footage was available to produce A Preview, so one was edited together and released on-line. When The Internet saw The Preview, the outcry was Loud and Thunderous, and many Aspersions were cast upon the Film Production Studio regarding the Extremely Sub-Standard Quality of the 3D character concept as it appeared in what would come to be known as The ‘Damnéd’ Preview.

So, the Film Production Studio walked back The ‘Damnéd’ Preview and told The Internet that it was going to Rework things and come back with Something That Actually Looked Like The Original Character As It Had Appeared In The Source Material And Every Other Medium In Which It Had Ever Been Included Since Time Immemorial.

Yes, You F*cking Morons,” The Internet said, “that is what you Should Have Done The First Time!

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